5 Breastfeeding Myths And Facts That YOU Should Know


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5 Breastfeeding Myths And Facts That YOU Should Know.

we are bringing you some true knowledge. Do you know that some of the most common suggestions or advises you get related to breastfeeding are merely myths. All a mother needs to do is mention she’s breastfeeding, and instantly, everyone seems to have an opinion or a piece of advice. Yes, you heard us right. Too often the wrong information is passed along — sometimes through several generations. And these myths can change the course of your individual journey, whether you’re a new mom or not.
Here, our experts debunk the most common breastfeeding tales, sayings and myths, and reveal their surprising truths.
If you have small breast you will not produce enough milk to feed your baby.
No. Your breast size doesn’t affect how much milk you produce. The size of your breasts mostly depends on how much fatty tissue they contain. But fatty tissue doesn’t have anything to do with how your breasts make milk.
Breastfeeding will hurt.
You might have been told that breastfeeding can be hurtful, especially in the early days. While there can be discomfort as your body’s adjusting, the discomfort will go away before long. But if breastfeeding is really painful, chances are your latch or tongue-tie are to blame. So instead of trying to figure it out on your own and suffering silently, get help at the earliest.
Babies cry when they need to be fed.
Yes, it is absolutely true that babies cry when they are hungry. However, crying can be a late sign for hunger. Instead, it is extremely important to watch for early signals of hunger. It can vary from sucking on fingers or fists, smacking lips, squirming, and fussing etc. Learn to identify and understand such early signs of hunger and feed your baby before he/ she starts to cry. Also, if your baby is calm, he/ she is more likely to breastfeed well. Babies who reach the point of crying before they are fed often fall asleep at the breast after a short time and miss out on the nutrients and calories they need to grow.
Never wake up a sleeping baby for breastfeeding.
Whether you should wake a sleeping newborn for feedings depends on the baby’s age, weight and overall health. Most newborns lose weight in the first few days after birth. Until your newborn regains this lost weight — usually within one week after birth — it’s important to feed him or her frequently. This might mean occasionally waking your baby for a feeding, especially if he or she sleeps for a stretch of more than four hours.
Once your newborn establishes a pattern of weight gain and reaches the birth-weight milestone, however, it’s generally OK to wait for feedings until he or she wakes up.
Baby should nurse from both sided of the breasts for each feeding session.
This is not true. On the other hand, it is important for a baby to finish one breast first so that he or she gets both foremilk (the more watery part which serves as thirst quencher) and hindmilk (the more fatty part). After he’s done with one breast, if he or she’s still hungry, then it is time to offer the other side.
Talk to your doctor or lactation consultant if your baby has either very brief (less than 10 minutes total) or very long (more than 50 minutes) feeding sessions, as either may be cause for concern.
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